Matthew Elias, Principal
Heather Boudreaux, Assistant Principal
Dallas Lane, Instructional Coach
Raven Vawters, School Counselor
DMS follows state and district guidelines for the enrollment of students. Please click HERE to find out more about enrollment and registration at DMS.
Each day counts! Studies show that students who miss 2 or more days a month are more likely to fail reading. There are 5 7th/8th grade classes that award Carnegie Units/high school credits. These classes (Cyber Foundations I, Cyber Foundations 2, 8th Grade Math, Visual Arts, MS Studies and W.Geography) all have specific attendance requirements. Failure to meet these requirements results in a 50 No Credit for the class.
Please read the following procedures carefully since they provide for the safety and well-being of all students at DMS.
Curriculum Used:
D'Iberville Middle School adheres to and instructs the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards. Click HERE to view the state standards taught at our school. These standards are simply instructional grade-level standards/benchmarks by which students will be measured on the end-of-year state assessments. It is important to note, however, that standards are not curriculum. D'Iberville Middle School teachers, with the approval of the school principal and through the guidance of our instructional coach, use a variety of curriculum resources to meet the expectations and rigor of the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards.
Online intervention platforms used at the school include but are not limited to, Lexia Core5/LexiaPower UP, Moby Max, and Edgenuity.
Assessments Used:
Fall and Winter Benchmarks on the nationally normed NWEA assessment to determine student growth over time in comparison to students nationwide.
Yearly state tests (MAAP) issued by MDE to determine student proficiency, growth, and school/district accountability.
Tardy Policy:
Teachers will be in their classrooms by 7:00 AM. For safety reasons, students are not allowed on campus before this time (except for car riders and buses unloading at 6:55). Students arriving after 7:23, except those on a late bus, will be counted tardy. Tardy students must go to the office with a parent/guardian and sign in. An admittance form will be provided. Students are not allowed to sign themselves in.
Parent Square:
All communication for the Harrison County School District is done through ParentSquare. Through this new communication platform, we will share important information from the district, our school, and your child's teacher. ParentSquare provides a simple, safe, and effective way to connect and communicate. Please click HERE to learn more.
Dress Code:
The entirety of the dress code is found in the student handbook and online HERE. Please review the dress code with your students. Students not meeting dress code will be required to call home for a change of clothes. If a change of clothes cannot be brought, the student will spend the rest of the day in ISS. Disciplinary actions will be taken at the discretion of the administration.
Book Bags:
All book bags, back packs, back pack purses etc. are prohibited unless made of clear plastic or see-through mesh. All athletic bags will be housed in a designated area of the school.
Power School is the online platform used for the student database. Parents may access their child's grades, attendance, and discipline at anytime through this system. To be enrolled, please send a note or call 228.392.1747. A form with information on how to logon and sign up will be sent home to you.
Student Planners:
Each of our students have been provided with a planner/organizer. This planner is used as a daily communication tool between the teachers and parents. It contains homework assignments and comments about student behavior and/or other pertinent information. Please sign/initial your child's planner, nightly.
DMS has a Facebook site that is updated on a regular basis. You can follow us there for the latest news and announcements. The site is for information only. If you have a question or concern, please contact the office.
Transportation is provided by the district for all students within their designated school areas.
Car Riders are expected to arrive on campus on time. Please follow the rules and directions given by the SRO and duty teachers with regard to the movement through the line. Our first concern is the safety of the students.
Free and reduced meal applications are available HERE on the district website. For the 2023-2024 school year, all lunches will be free of charge for students. We have 5 lunch periods. The cafeteria menu can be found HERE.
Parent Conferences:
Conferences can be arranged directly through the teacher by phone, email, parent square, or through the office if necessary, and are strongly encouraged.
Tutoring is provided to selected students in school through Title I and ESSER funding. If you have any questions about tutoring, please contact our Instructional Literacy Coach, Dr. Dallas Lane.
Library services:
Library services are provided for all students. Our librarian, Breanne Prince, manages our collections and media center. A number of programs are available to DMS students. We strongly support reading programs and encourage you to have your child read each evening.
School Nurse:
Mrs. Cherie Fournier is our school nurse. She can provide a wide range of services to help our students stay healthy and deal with medical issues that arise at school.
School Resource Officer:
Our SRO is Officer Williams. He provides a variety of services to the school ranging from traffic control to mentoring students.